Principal Message

Preparing reflective practioners for classrooms

India has the world’s second‐largest school system after China, with more than 1.5 million schools and about 280 million students. The size of education landscape in our country is the base on which we are building our nation. And Teacher, being an integral part of education, is the nation builder. Amid the rapidly evolving milieu, teachers would need to acquire additional knowledge and skills, both general and specific to be able to survive and be successful in the next decade’s school environment. they would need to learn to become independent learners and to deal with information technology. Teacher Education needs to absorb the impact of such global changes and cropping issues. At Rawal College of Education, we try to go beyond the university prescribed curriculum and provide holistic and futuristic experiences to the prospective teachers. We aim to prepare reflective practioners for the new age school classrooms. 

Dr. Sonal Chabra
